Snow Crab Legs
Snow Crab Legs

Snow Crab Legs: A Delicacy from the Deep

Snow crab legs remain one of the hot sea foods that is well appreciated for its sweeter tender taste and attractive color. Primarily characterized by elongated and slightly curved shells and unique looks, these crabs are: caught in the cold seas of the North Atlantic and North Pacific. Snow crab legs can be enjoyed alone, but also more commonly, as either the main and/or first course of a meal. Read on to discover all information about snow crab legs including how they are harvested, their health effects, how to cook or prepare them and how best to serve them.

What Are Snow Crab Legs?

Chionoecetes spp. are commonly known as Snow crabs and are found in the North Pacific and northern Atlantic zones such as Alaska and Canada. It is chiefly characterized by a large but bulky body, understandably hard to manage while harvesting and on the contrary, snow crabs as the name suggests are comparatively small and delicate having long legs. The meat inside their legs is quite sweet, tender, and is not very difficult to ATP them, they are thus highly regarded by people who relish seafood.

Snow crabs are commonly sold in groups of legs with the body or live ones hanging together in a cluster. Yet, the legs may also be sold separately, which can surely make the rationing and preparation much more versatile. If not yet consumed, the snow crab legs have a mildly salty taste that comes from the sea and can be eaten with many spices and gravies.

What Do People Want to Know About Snow Crab Legs?

Large trawl nets are subsequently used in the picking of snow crab legs and these involve towing the nets across the sea bed in a quest to capture the crabs. In terms of geographical distribution, these crabs are confined to the deep sea range of 200 to 500 meters living in sandy or muddy sediments. The periods for harvesting are properly controlled to avoid excessive exploitation of this fish stock. The crabs are caught by fishermen trapping them with traps or pots that are lured to the bottom of the ocean.

Snow crab is in higher demand during the cold season, therefore this sub product is mostly harvested from the end of fall to early spring. When harvested, the crabs are taken to packing factories where the legs have to be ripped off the body, then, the legs are frozen. It enables consumers to eat snow crab legs throughout a particular year even when the crabs are not in season.

Snow Crab Legs Nutritional Info

Snow crab legs not only bring delicious taste for consumers, but also have many nutritional value. It is an excellent source of healthy proteins, vitamins, and minerals thus considered as healthy when taken with other seafood.

High in Protein

In terms of nutritional value, snow crab legs contain a above par quantity of protein. Snow crab leg counts for twenty grams of protein per a serving that is three ounces, an important nutrient that aids in muscle formation and tissue healing. Protein is required in the body in the regulation of the immune system as well as in energy provision in the body the whole day through.

Low in Fat and Calories

Snow crab legs are low in fat, containing only a little of unsaturated fats that are good for the heart. A standard portion size of chicken is 3 ounces and sometimes even less fat than one gram making it important in combating heart diseases. Also, they are tasty snow crab legs and relatively low in calorie content for every 3 oz of meat, approximately 80 to 90 calories.

Contains Minerals and Vitamins

It is also high in minerals important for the proper functioning of the cells of the human body such as zinc, copper and selenium which have effects on the immunity and repair capacity of the body and as antioxidants. They are also a rich source of B vitamins, among them B12 important in the production of red blood cells and for the proper functioning of nerves.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

However, if compared to fatty fishes such as salmon, snow crab legs contain an acceptable measure of omega 3 fatty acid which are good for the heart. Omega-3s have an anti-inflammatory effect, decrease blood pressure, and better cardiovascular disease overall on the whole.

How To Cook Snow Crab Legs

Snow Crab Legs
Snow Crab Legs

Snow crab legs are delicious prepared in various ways and there are generally straightforward steps which can be adopted when cooking;. The key thing to bear in mind is that snow crab legs are often prepared, already cooked, and sold frozen, and the aim is therefore just to reheat them, without overcooking and toughening the meat.

Boiling Snow Crab Legs

Boiling is probably one of the simplest procedures that you can use to prepare snow crab legs. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil: Pour more than required water to immerse the crab legs on the pot.

2. Add salt: Using one tablespoon of salt per quart of water improves the taste of the crab.

3. Add the crab legs: Submerge the crab legs in boiling water, being careful not to splash hot water on your hands or clothes.

4. Boil for 4-6 minutes: Because the crab legs are already boiled however you will only need to warm them up. Boiling as well as cooking it for a very long time as it may also lead to the meat becoming hard.

5. Remove and serve: After boiling, best use tongs to transfer the crab legs from the pot of water in which they have been boiled. Best served with melted butter and slices of lemons.

Steaming Snow Crab Legs

Steaming is another good method you can use in preparing snow crab legs as it assists to maintain the moisture and taste of the crab legs meat. Here’s how to steam snow crab legs:

1. Fill a pot with water: Put the steamer basket into the pot, but the water level should not come to the steamer basket level.

2. Bring the water to a simmer: Cook the water up to paleness but not allow it to boil.

3. *Place the crab legs in the steamer basket**: Put the legs in one layer on the steamer.

4. Steam for 5-7 minutes: The legs will steam and heat through in just a few minutes which is good for getting food onto tables quickly.

5. Remove and serve: After steaming these crab legs, set aside and when ready for serving, you only need to reheat gently.

Grilling Snow Crab Legs

However charcoal broiled snow crab legs can add a uniquely delicious smoky attribute that is good for the snowy crab legs and entertaining when preparing a seafood barbeque in the warm sunny season.

1. Preheat the grill: It is also important to preheat the grill to medium-high in order of getting the best results.

2. Brush the crab legs with butter or oil: It is good to coat the crab legs with melted butter or olive oil to avoid its drying up.

3. Grill for 4-5 minutes: Arrange the crab legs on the grill and turn occasionally, until it gets hot throughout.

4. Serve with dipping sauces: Snow crab legs prepared on the grill can be eaten on their own or accompanied by your favorite sauces; garlic butter, lemon juice and cocktail sauce.

Snow Crab Legs: Top Served Methods

When it comes to snow crab legs, it is a good idea for some sort of grand performance since they can be prepared in a dizzying number of ways. Here are some popular serving ideas:

1. With Melted Butter and Lemon: This simply prepared crab legs with melted butter and drizzled with fresh lemon juice cannot be topped. The butter used in this recipe is rich, the sweet crab meat and the zest of the lemon balances it out.

2. As Part of a Seafood Boil: Snow crab legs are used in seafood boils which contain shrimp, lobster, corn, and potatoes. The water used in the boiling process gives the crab legs an improved taste that is not gotten through any other method.

3. In Crab Cakes: Snow crab meat is perfect for making crab cakes in case you are left with some after preparations for the occasion. The preparation of the crab cakes doesn’t take too much time and effort: mix the cooked crab meat with breadcrumbs, eggs, spices, and Herbert, and fry or bake the resulting blend.

4. In Pasta Dishes: This makes crabmeat rich for a more prestigious seafood dish when you include it into pasta. For instance, Crab Alfredo is a profoundly tasty and lavish approach to appreciate snow crab legs.


Snow crab legs are a great source of nutrients. incorporating them in our diet frequently is Healthy for us; it is also very tasty taking it in different preparations. No matter whether you are boiling, steaming, grilling, or using the snow crab legs in other recipes, you will get a more tender, sweet taste enhancing the ordinary meal. Their nutritional value makes them good for anyone who wants to eat seafood and their sustainability means that future generations will also be able to enjoy them. Therefore the next time you will be planning for a seafood session do not forget to include the snow crab legs.


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